Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mature and Complete

I woke up this morning to face another day. Another day since mom moved on from this life. A day where I don't have to be anywhere or do anything for the first time in a while. A day with time to think and just feel. Since then a world has gone on that I didn't even notice. Our gladiola flowers have bloomed in the front of our house. I'm a sports fan and evidently the NHL & NBA have champions and Tiger won some golf tournament. There's been flooding in the mid-west and something about a presidential election. Then there's the rest of the world. It just keeps on keeping on and so are we.

One thing of importance that keeps coming to my mind is continuing on with the things Gene wants to have continued. So I take this moment this morning, as I drink my cup of strong coffee with her, to lift up the Youth Missions in Memory of Gene Booth fund. This effort is incredibly important to her. The Youth Missions is one of the most important tools we have to equip our childern with the experiences they need on their way to become mature and complete. I know there are many children that are in financial situations at home that make a missions trip impossible. With your contribution, no matter how small, we will be able to help send these children on those missions.

Send your check to:

Youth Missions in Memory of Gene Booth
C/O North Atlanta Church of Christ
Attn: Linda Lindsay
5676 Roberts Dr
Atlanta, GA 30338

You can also make your contribution online at
Click on Online Giving and you will be taken to the secure online form. As part of the security process you will have to take a quick five minutes to build a profile. It takes as much time as it does to fill out a check and put it in an envelope and stamp it and put in a mailbox. Get the idea? I've done it and proven this works.

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